Rabat Process partner countries and regional/international organisations will meet on 22-23 June 2023 in Marrakesh, Morocco, for a Thematic Meeting on Humanised Border Management. The meeting will be co-chaired by Morocco, which is currently acting as Chair of the Dialogue, and Spain, which chaired the previous meeting on integrated border management in 2022.

Thematic focus: a rights-based and humanistic approach to border management

The meeting aims to strengthen the capacities of participants regarding humanised border management, and will provide a space to exchange experiences, good practices, and identify common challenges.

The concept of humanised border management calls for a management of mixed migration flows that indissociably reconciles the relentless fight against cross-border trafficking networks and the respect of the rights and dignity of migrants and vulnerable persons. It calls for a rights-based approach to border management as an integral part of humanistic and comprehensive migration governance. It is a concept that relies on a multi-actor matrix, involving institutional stakeholders as well as civil society, international organisations, researchers, and experts.

Background of the meeting

The meeting takes place in the framework of the Cadiz Action Plan 2023-2027, which is the multi-annual strategic framework of the Rabat Process, and addresses Area 4 which focuses on the “[p]revention and effective reduction of irregular migration, fight against migrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings”.

Other relevant international frameworks will also inform and guide the discussions, such as the Marrakesh Pact (Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration) adopted by a United Nations conference in 2018, in which States committed to managing borders in an integrated, secure and coordinated manner, including by taking into account the relevant recommendations of the Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights at International Borders.

Partner countries and organisations of the Rabat Process may still register until 9 June 2023:
