The 6th Euro-African Ministerial Conference on Migration and Development, held on 13-14 December 2022, defined the multi-annual cooperation programme of the Rabat Process for the period of 2023-2027, known as the Political Declaration and Cadiz Action Plan. The Cadiz Programme is a non-binding cooperation framework that helps coordinate national efforts in the area of migration management and shapes the focus and priorities of the Rabat Process and its partner countries.

The Cadiz Action Plan addresses five action areas, containing specific objectives and related actions. By maintaining the same five action areas of the Dialogue’s previous cooperation programme, the Marrakesh Declaration and Action Plan, which are also in line with the domains of the Joint Valletta Action Plan (JVAP), the Cadiz Programme maintains continuity while adapting its objectives and actions to the evolved international context. It also pays attention to ensuring complementarity and synergies with other frameworks, such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration and the Global Compact on Refugees.

5 action areas - 10 objectives - 29 actions

Area 1

Development benefits of migration / Root causes of irregular migration and forced displacement

1. Maximise the positive impact of regular migration (+3 actions)
2. Understand the root causes of irregular migration and forced displacement (+2 actions)

Area 2

Regular migration and mobility

3. Promote regular migration & mobility (especially young people, women) (+5 actions)
4. Encourage facilitation of visa issuance procedures (+2 actions)

Area 3

Protection and asylum

5a. Enhance the protection of refugees and the forcibly displaced (+3 actions)
5b. Promote actions to respect the dignity and the human rights of migrants (+2 actions)
6. Promote the integration of refugees and the forcibly displaced into host communities (+2 actions)

Area 4

Irregular migration, migrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings (THB)

7. Strengthen capacities for border management and combating migrant smuggling and THB (+3 actions)
8. Improve the protection of smuggled migrants, persons in need of international protection, and victims of THB (+3 actions)

Area 5

Return, readmission and reintegration

9. Strengthen capacities for identification processes & the issuance of travel documents (+2 actions)
10. Encourage programmes for the safe return and sustainable reintegration of migrants (+2 actions)

Implementation and monitoring

The Dialogue partner countries, with the support of the Rabat Process Secretariat, commit themselves to establishing mechanisms and developing relevant tools to periodically monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Cadiz Action Plan to improve its scope and impact.
