Reference countries have a special role in prioritising and operationalising actions that are in line with the objectives of the multi-annual strategic framework of the Rabat Process.
The system of reference countries was introduced at the Senior Officials' Meeting (SOM) in Ouagadougou in 2019 to ensure better monitoring of the implementation of each domain of the Marrakesh Action Plan. It was reaffirmed in 2022 in a Senior Officials’ Meeting preceding the adoption of the current multi-annual cooperation programme, the Cadiz Political Declaration and Action Plan.
Current reference countries

Domain 1

Domain 2

Domain 2

Domain 3

Domain 3

Domain 4

Domain 4

Domain 4

Domain 4

Domain 5

Domain 5
The role of reference countries
The reference countries contribute to the overall coordination of activities related to their respective action areas. They share lessons learned and best practices among Rabat Process partners, facilitate the sharing of expertise and information for future Dialogue activities, help to identify actions where needs are expressed, and ensure all priorities are adequately addressed.
The reference countries have regular exchanges with the members of the Steering Committee, the Dialogue Chair and the Secretariat, i.e. the governance structure. This reference countries system strengthens the intergovernmental nature of the Dialogue by supporting the partner countries’ leadership role in pursuing its objectives.