On 20-21 June 2024, a Thematic Meeting of the Rabat Process on regular migration and legal migration pathways will take place in Praia, Cabo Verde. The meeting will most specifically aim to explore channels for regular migration and mobility schemes.

Co-chaired by Portugal and Cabo Verde, both reference countries for Area 2 (Regular migration and mobility) of the Cadiz Action Plan, this event will particularly focus on its Objective 3 (Promote regular migration & mobility - especially young people, women) and will bring together representatives from partner countries and organisations of the Rabat Process, as well as experts on the topic.

Mutually beneficial partnership: mobility schemes, an asset for Europe and Africa

While Europe is facing significant labour shortages in key sectors and an ageing population, African countries have a younger population. In recent years, migration policies have taken stock of these demographic trends, and the contribution of migrants from the African continent has been recognised to face such skills shortages. Additionally, most of the labour migration (80 per cent) takes place at the intraregional African scale. In this context, the governance of mobilities is a central issue for Rabat Process’ partner countries.

To this end, the meeting aims to provide Rabat Process stakeholders with a platform to exchange information and good practices, between whom cooperation is fundamental to promote regular migration and mobility, in particular of youth and women, between and within Europe, North, West and Central Africa.

On the one hand, the meeting will explore pathways for promotion and diffusion of information on regular migration channels and mobility schemes, including the integration of migrants. It will also evoke topics such as the identification of needs of both employers and workers, as well as recognition of skills, qualifications and professional experience. Finally, building on past recommendations, the meeting will ensure the adoption of a multipartite and inclusive approach, by involving the private sector which is playing a key role in the process in the conversation.  

These schemes are of vital importance and it is central to unpack their potential to ensure they are mutually beneficial to all Dialogue partners, origin and destination countries, employers, and migrant workers themselves.

Expected results:

In particular, this event will aim to:

  • Explore opportunities for cooperation between authorities of countries of origin and destination as well as with employers to identify scope for new labour mobility schemes;
  • Share lessons learned and good practices between Rabat Process partner countries to facilitate the recognition of diplomas and of professional skills;
  • Identify the possibility to scale up existing successful initiatives that promote the integration of migrants through African and European experiences;
  • Discuss and exchange good practices to promote communication, awareness raising and access to information on regular channels of migration and integration.

Representatives of Rabat Process partner countries and organisations may still register until 6 June 2024:


Background: sustainable migration pathways in the framework of the Rabat Process

The Rabat Process has already led several initiatives aiming to promote sustainable migration pathways. The meeting will aim to capitalise on previous learnings and build on recommendations from recent meetings.